Wanted: Student Bloggers

Welcome to our class blog!  We’re signed up for the Edublogs Student Blogging Challenge, beginning September 14th, so we’ll begin making connections with other classes soon.

In the meantime, I’m looking for a few brave volunteers who would like to take on the role of guest contributors on our class blog next week.  You might write about your initial impressions of 6th grade, why you’re excited to try your hand at blogging, a book that you just read and want to share with others . . . it’s up to you.

If you’re interested, please let me know by commenting on this post.  (Remember–Don’t use your last name when commenting online, and always reread what you’ve written before you post!)

2 thoughts on “Wanted: Student Bloggers

  1. Guest bloggers!!! What a great idea for the start of the school year and great way to start blogging right away. I think I’ll borrow it if you don’t mind.

    1. Hi Mrs. McKelvey,

      I’m glad you like the idea. Now, all I need is some takers!

      I see that you’re signed up for this fall’s student blogging challenge. Mind if I add you to our blogroll so my students can see what the Bloggin’ Frogs (http://mrsmckelvey.edublogs.org/) are up to?

      Best regards,

      Mr. Jewell

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