Wanted: Recommended Student and Class Blogs

Dear Students,

If you’ve found another student blog or class blog that you really like, please share a brief description of the blog (and its URL) as a comment on this post so I can add it to our links widget for “Blogs We Follow.”

If you’re a visitor to our blog and would like us to check out your personal or class blog, feel free to share your blog’s address with us, as well.

I look forward to hearing from you!

2 thoughts on “Wanted: Recommended Student and Class Blogs

  1. Howdy Mr. J and your class of Californians!

    I am writing from Leesburg, Virginia, a historical small town about 35 miles west of Washington, D.C. I found your blog through one of your student writers, Sophia, whose blog was featured on the Student Blogging Challenge flip book. Congratulations, again, to Sophia. 🙂

    Like you, I teach reading and writing to a band of sixth graders. Seventy to be exact. We’ve only been blogging for a few months–but some of the student bloggers are writing more frequently than I am. It’s so exciting to watch them find a medium that inspires them to write independently and creatively.

    We’d love to add you to our blog roll! The more middle school mayhem, the better! If you’ll leave me a comment that says that’s okay, I’ll do it as soon as I hear.

    Come visit us anytime! Like you, my student blogs are listed on the class home page. This week, we’ll be focusing on Earth Day, poetry, and wrapping up our persuasive projects. I’ll share these on the blog soon! What is your class working on?

    All the best from the Old Dominion!
    Martha Rombach

    1. Hi Mrs. Rombach and class,

      We’d love to have you add our blog to your blog roll, and we’ll be sure to add your blog to ours!

      We’ve been studying persuasive texts, as well, and are going to be writing editorials of our own over the course of the next few weeks. We’ll have to check out your persuasive writing to see what issues you’ve decided to tackle and how you’ve gone about it.

      We’re also trying our hands at coding with Scratch, and my students will be posting the games they design to their blogs. They’ll definitely be looking for feedback from players so that they can revise their games to make them more engaging.

      I look forward to continuing this dialogue!

      Best regards,

      Mr. Jewell and class

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